beauty.css example page

Turns your plain HTML into something pretty


With under 200 lines of SCSS code, your HTML becomes responsive, more readable, while retaining its very fast loading speed. beauty.css weighs about 1.1 KB minified! Just look at the examples below.

Example quote. Insert something stupid here.

More details



// Here, have code


      static int stb__Mul8Bit(int a, int b)
        int t = a*b + 128;
        return (t + (t >> 8)) >> 8;

      static void stb__From16Bit(unsigned char *out, unsigned short v)
         int rv = (v & 0xf800) >> 11;
         int gv = (v & 0x07e0) >>  5;
         int bv = (v & 0x001f) >>  0;

         out[0] = stb__Expand5[rv];
         out[1] = stb__Expand6[gv];
         out[2] = stb__Expand5[bv];
         out[3] = 0;


Example link


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